Hey everyone! I've got a bit of an update on the board game I've been working on. Superbia's Tank is still tankin' along - bit by bit. A lot of the artwork, which you'll see some of in a moment below, is mostly done. It's been a lot of work, but also a blast to create these really creative, wacky parts for each player's constantly transforming tank. Each tank is made up of three parts which are the treads, the frame, and the turret. As player's move around and explore the island of Superbia they'll discover cards with all manner of tank parts and other suprises.
The island of Superbia. As you explore you'll add hex tiles to the island. |
The artwork, as I said, is mostly complete (as far as I can tell!). Gameplay, however, needs to be a little more thoroughly tested. I have tested the mechanics myself and managed to test the game with a group as well. More testing will be needed though. I want to make sure that at the end of the day the game doesn't have any odd hiccups or broken rules and that above all it is fun! Usually it's important to get the gameplay nailed down before doing a lot of the art, but I found people were not as interested in testing a game if they didn't have anything visually interesting to attach to. Risky move - we'll see how it pans out.
Anyway, now for the good stuff!
Artifacts: The island of Superbia is littered with old and powerful tank parts called artifacts.
Each part has it's own abilities and there are 45 different parts! |
Events: Exploring the island of Superbia can be tricky business. As players move across the map they'll draw event cards that could test a players strength, or they may find a helpful item for later.
There are good events and bad ones too! |
I'll try to keep this blog updated with any other large milestones! Currently, I'm working on the manual and the box, but I can't complete the manual until there has been more testing. See ya!