Say hello to the Hellaphant. It WILL find you. Its nature is strange and people are often confused by its behavior. One moment it will be putting out a fire with its fire extinguisher (Hellaphants are known to steal fire extinguishers and are thought to have large stashes of them in their cave - their theft of fire extinguishers does contribute to more fires, but the Hellaphant often returns to put out the fire) and the next moment they'll be brutally beating someone over the head with it.

Not much else is known of this creature. They have been seen eating all manner of things including giraffes and basketball players.
It's proportionally medium sized wings are often not enough to lift the large creature and so it is thought a rite of passage occurs at a certain age where said Hellaphant goes in search for its own turbines.
The Hellaphant will be upon you...
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