Now, to use it you need an account on This is because... well... you can't create a graph if you don't have any data! With, every song you listen to gets "Scrobbled" and becomes a useable piece of data for the pretty graph we'll be making.
Once you've got some data you're ready for making graphs! Booyeah! The website that makes the graphs is called "LastGraph" and making it couldn't be easier. Just enter your username at the top and hit the "enter/return" key. The site will then go and fetch your important data!
After it loads there is a few options, but to make a graph click on the "Timeline Posters" button. Here you can set your start and end dates, how detailed you want it, and the graphs style. When you're ready hit the "Request Poster" button on the right.
That's pretty much it! Depending on how much data you have it could take a while to create your graph. I'm not sure how long it took to make mine - I left it on overnight. When it is done you can download it in either PDF or SVGZ formats.
Here's a picture of my Music Listening Habits for 2008! :D

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